Feb 26, 2012
...is a happy child!
Meet my Ballerina/Clown/Football Player. She has been a very busy girl today and is having fun dressing up. Kyle's task today is to be her official playmate. So I foresee a tea party today! Ashley is very happy to have a playmate that has to do everything that she says. It has been a nice quite day. An easy lunch and we will be having breakfast for dinner! Tyler is out playing at his friends house again. Wonderful day so far!
I love some the motion pictures below. I used to hate the blurry lines and not post them, but it reminds me that my child is in motion! It reminds me that they are able to move and be happy. They do not always stand straight or look at me for the picture. And majority of the pictures may not be perfect, I must appreciate their emotions and movements. I love my children and appreciate what they can and have accomplished even thru all of the non-perfect pictures.