Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daddy is Home

It has been busy here. Saturday March 12 we went to the La Salle Saint Patricks day parade. It was a little chilly but we had a lot of fun. The kids loved catching the candy!

Jamie arrived at O'Hare Airport at 5:11am on Friday March 18. We spend Friday and Saturday at my parents house.

Sunday was a the party for Kyle (9), Tyler (8), and Ashley (5). The party was held at Illinois Valley Gymnastics Academy. It was a lot of fun for all eleven kids! Unfortunately, there of the children guess where unable to attend. Learned that having a party from 12 till 2 has two many 2's in it. LOL We did meet the Mullane's for Dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. JC, Adian, Teagan, Kyle, Tyler, and Ashley seemed to have a wonderful dinner together. Monday was day at home. It was nice to be able to have Jamie home with me and just relax.
Now this brings us to Tuesday. The kids went to school today and will be home tomorrow. We have the spring concert tonight. Videos/Pics to follow! It will be nice to be able to go as a family and for Jamie to see in person a performance. Seeing video of the performances is just not the same as being there. We also accomplished completing our taxes! I am glad to say that is done. Now shopping will begin.

The List

  1. New Tires
  2. Possibly a new camera (Mine decided it wanted to bread right before the St Pat's Concert)
  3. Possibly some programs for my computer (Would like to be able to do the bills upstairs on my new iMac, thanks to my parents)
  4. Pay off bills (So much fun)
  5. Have gas/hotel money for Jamie to be able to drive to CA on 1 April 11
  6. New cell phone for Jamie
  7. Summer clothes for the family
  8. Put rest in savings!
I am sure there is so much more I am missing.
I wanted to thank a new friend of mine, Jamie Weitl. She surprised me with a amazon gift card which will come in very handy for diapers and wipes. But I also wanted to thank Laura Kilmartin for providing the opportunity to lend a helping hand to others. We all need support and help every now and then. And believe me I may need some extras hands this summer. Jamie will be back in CA and I will have three very active kids. I have not got it all worked out as of yet, but I know I do have some help.

I will hopefully be show casing friends after Jamie leaves. That will be after April 1st. I am attempting to spend every second with him and enjoy our time together.

Lets see what tomorrow brings...

1 comment:

  1. You are very welcome! I hope you can put it to good use!
